4th International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'05)

10 June 2005, Columbus, Ohio, USA

in conjuction with the
25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
ICDCS 2005 (6-9 June 2005)


The workshop is organized as series of discussion sessions, each one revolving around a specific research topic. Discussions will be introduced and stimulated by presentations.

The final program is now available:
final program pdf

Brief Description

Event-based systems are systems in which producers deliver events, and in which messaging middleware delivers events to consumers based upon their previously specified interest. One typical usage pattern of such systems is the publish-subscribe paradigm, in which producers and consumers are mutually anonymous, and in which producers deliver events to topics, and each subscriber separately and independently registers a specification of its particular interest; the system then receives events from producers and in a timely fashion propagates (possibly transforms) and delivers these events. A second popular event-based usage paradigm is queuing; hybrids of publish-subscribe and queuing are also possible. These paradigms are popular because of their ease of use and high degree of decoupling, and because efficient and highly scalable implementations are available.

Event-based systems are widely used for integrating loosely coupled application components, including sensors, device controllers, and databases. The use of event-based systems is expanding, and an increasing number of commercial systems are offering messaging middleware components. There is a wide interest in techniques both for extending the capabilities and for improving the performance and ease of use of such systems.

Traditionally, the DEBS workshop has covered all aspects of the design, implementation, performance analysis, and application and deployment of distributed event-based systems. We propose to continue soliciting submissions relating to these core topics, and also to encourage submissions relating to (1) user experience and user requirements in realistic application scenarios from industry and government, and (2) requirements and solutions that extend the traditional event-based paradigms (publish-subscribe and queuing) beyond the standard content-based filtering, to include also transforms, aggregations, event mediations, and event-correlation. We specifically seek to encourage cross-fertilizations with such research areas as stream processing, continuous queries, continuous view updates, and rule-based event correlation. We wish to avoid, for example, the database communities and the messaging communities independently studying and solving overlapping problems and developing separate architectures and vocabularies for related concepts. We seek a balance between research studies relating to design and implementation of such systems, and presentations of either actual experience with the use of such systems for a real problem, or requirements for future systems to solve projected real problems. Researchers need to make sure they are studying important problems; potential users need to understand the directions in evolving technologies. Since this is a workshop, we encourage position paper and works in progress rather than polished results.